Maintaining Options

You edit options on this page. You can also view the option audit history by clicking View Audit History. The audit history displays. You can also view the option audit history by clicking View Audit History. The audit history displays. You can filter the history by selecting a date range from the Date Range list and clicking Search. If you select a Custom date range, specify a start and end date in the From and To fields. You can also use the calendar controls () to select these dates.

Maintaining Employer Options

Employer options field descriptions

Employer Option

Values that are used specific to the employer and the employer’s collateral

Employer Information


Third Party Administrator (TPA) Name and Provider 2 ID associated to the option

Option ID (Read only)

Client code for the Employer. Upper case letters or numbers only.

Option Description

Name of employer being viewed or changed; 30-character alphanumeric. 


Status of the employer.

Valid values are:

Space = Active

A = Active

B = Temporary Blocked

I = Inactive

If the employer status is Blocked, the Status field cannot be maintained

Provider 1 ID

Total System Services (TSYS) Internally defined field to associated with the Employer ID

Default Card Management Identifier (CMID)

Client code for the card management identifier, which is a combination of the card ID and mailer ID.  This code is placed on the account to identify the option sets used for processing cards.

If Default CMID is entered, then Default Insert Routine is also required

Default Insert Routine

An insert routine determines which marketing inserts are placed in card mailers.  You can define what each insert is and which mailers receive the insert.  This field identifies the code for the card insert option set

If Default Insert Routine is entered, then Default CMID is also required

Bank Account Information

DDA Status

Status of the Demand Deposit Account (DDA) of the employer.

Valid values are:

A = Active

I = Inactive

Space = Active

If DDA Status is Active, then DDA Number and DDA Routing Number are required

DDA Number

DDA account number used for settling card swipes with BIN Sponsor.

DDA Routing Number

DDA routing number used for settling card swipes with BIN Sponsor. This number must be 9 digits in length.

Card and Card Mailer Variables

Fraud Phone #

Telephone number for reporting fraudulent transactions. Format accordingly if printed on card or mailers.

Customer Serv Phone #

Telephone number for customer service assistance.  Format accordingly if printed on card or mailers.

IVR Phone #

Telephone number for the Healthcare Client's Interactive Voice Response (IVR)   Format accordingly if printed on card or mailers.

TTY Phone #

Telephone number for the Healthcare Client's TTY system.  Format accordingly if printed on card or mailers.

Embossed 4th Line

Employer name or the plan name.

Valid embossing characters are:  A-Z, 0-9, / - , . ' & @ # space

Email Address

Identifies the Healthcare Client's email address.


Identifies the Healthcare Client's URL address.


Maintaining Plan Options

Plan options field descriptions

A grouping of the purses that is available to an employer. 

Extended definition of the purses to include grace tenure and when to build the purse.

Plan Information


TPA Name and Provider 2 ID associated to the option

Option ID

Client code for the healthcare plan. Upper case letters or numbers only.


Client description of the healthcare plan

Purse Information

Purse ID

Client code for the healthcare purse


This flag will indicate whether purse is active or inactive for enrollment and re-enrollment purposes.  Valid values are Active and Inactive.

Priority (1-99):

Client-defined processing priority assigned to the healthcare purse; 2-character numeric. Valid values are 1 to 99. The lower the number, the higher the priority for the purse.

Duration (1-99):

This is duration in months of the health plan for this purse; 2-character numeric. Valid values are 1 to 99 (default is 12). A duration of less than 12 months will be considered a short plan year. The duration of each purse within a given health plan can be different.

Effective Month/Day

Effective Month, this will indicate plan begin date for this purse; 2-character numeric.  Valid values are 01 through 12.

Effective Day, this field indicates the plan begin day for this purse; 2-character numeric.  Valid values are 1 to 31 depending on the Purse Effective Month (for example, June valid values are 1 to 30) Default value is 1.

Grace Months/Days

For Grace Months, number of months after the end of the plan year in which account funds can be used.  Valid values for Grace Month are 00 (default) to 02. Valid values for Grace Days are 0-77.

For Grace Days this field indicates the plan begin day for this purse; 2-character numeric.  Valid values are 1 to 31 depending on the Purse Effective Month (for example, June valid values are 1 to 30) Default value is 1.

The following restrictions on Grace Months/Days apply:

·        Grace Month and Days combined can only equal 2 and ½ Months

·         If Grace Months = 0, Grace Days must be less than or equal to 77

·         If Grace Months = 1, Grace Days must be less than or equal to 46

·         If Grace Months = 2, Grace Days must be less than or equal to 15

Fund Method

Code for the method used to fund the healthcare purse.
Valid values are:
DDA = Demand Deposit Account
BTCH = Batch (Recommended)
LOC = Line of Credit
SYST = System Default
Space = Not applicable

Plan Year Termination 1

Indicates the plan year that the Healthcare Client wants to terminate. If Plan Year Termination 1 is entered, then Plan Date Termination 1 is also required

Plan Date Termination 1

Indicates the date that the Healthcare Client wants to terminate plan year 1. If Plan Date Termination 1 is entered, then Plan Year Termination 1 is also required.

Settlement Type

Indicator used to direct purse transactions to a settlement process.
Valid values are:
A = ACH Settlement (Recommended)
B = BASEII Settlement
Space = Not applicable

Build Indicator

Flag to indicate when a purse is built.
Valid values are:
F = Build purse during Funding request (Recommended)
X = Build purse during Enrollment and Re-enrollment requests


Indicates whether the purse balance rolls from the current plan year to the next plan year.  Valid values are Yes and No.

Manual Claims Days

Number of days to allow manual claims from the purse end date.  Valid values are 0 to 999.

Use Custom Plan Year

This is an indicator to use custom plan year.
Valid values are:
Yes = Use custom plan year to build purse
No = Do not use custom plan year to build purse

Custom Plan Year

This is plan year portion of the purse id for custom plan years; 2-character numeric.    This will be an optional field that will allow the user to specify a two digit number (Plan Year) as the plan year.  When used, the customized plan year will be appended to the purse id to create a unique purse.  If customized plan year is not specified, the plan year will be calculated using the year of the current date.  Valid values are 0 to 99.

Plan Year Termination 2

Indicates the plan year that the Healthcare Client wants to terminate. If Plan Year Termination 2 is entered, then Plan Date Termination 2 is also required.

Plan Date Termination 2

Indicates the date that the Healthcare Client wants to terminate plan year 2. If Plan Date Termination 2 is entered, then Plan Year Termination 2 is also required.



Purse options field descriptions (Add Purse Option screen only)


Maintaining Purse Options


TPA Name and Provider 2 ID associated to the option

Option ID (Read only)

Client code for the healthcare plan. Upper case letters or numbers only.


Client description of the healthcare plan

Purse Type (Read only)

Code for the type of healthcare purse.

Valid values are:

CA = Cash

CF = Card Request Fees

FD = Dependent Care

HS = Health Savings Account (HSA)

FS = Flexible Spending Account (FSA)

LC = Line of Credit

HR = Healthcare Reimbursement Account (HRA)

PK = Parking

TR = Transit/Transportation

RW = Rewards

EX = Exception

CX = Complex HRA

Purse Access

This field Indicates which cardholders can access the healthcare purse.

Valid values are:

P = Employee

A = Employee and All Authorized Users

Use SIGIS 90% Merchants:

Indicates whether an authorization is allowed for SIGIS merchants.

Valid values are:

Y = Authorization is allowed for SIGIS merchants; match on both Merchant ID and Acquirer BIN (default)

N = Authorization is not allowed for SIGIS merchants

X = Authorization is allowed for SIGIS merchants, however, only match on Merchant ID, do not check Acquirer BIN

Authorization Group Information

Primary Authorization Group Option ID

Click the link to edit authorization group information.

Primary Substantiation Method

Code for the automatic substantiation method used to verify purchases for the healthcare purse linked to the primary MCC group.

Valid values are:

M = Medical (any)

T = Transit

U = Prescription only

V = Vision only

W = Clinic or other medical only

X = Dental only

0 = Prescription, vision, clinic, and dental

1 = Prescription and vision

2 = Prescription and clinic

3 = Prescription and dental

4 = Prescription, vision, and clinic

5 = Prescription, vision, and dental

6 = Vision and clinic

7 = Vision, clinic, and dental

8 = Vision and dental

9 = Clinic and dental

Space = No substantiation method indicated

Note: IIAS (Inventory Information Approval System) identifies goods or services sold at non-healthcare merchants that qualify as medical expenses and purchased with an FSA or HRA purse.  Merchants must certify that a percentage of sales are for healthcare services.

Primary Substantiation Priority

Priority of the automatic Primary Substantiation used to verify purchases for the healthcare purse.

Limited Purpose Authorization Group Option ID

Click the link to edit the authorization group option information.

Limited Purpose Substantiation Method

Code for the automatic substantiation method used to verify purchases for the healthcare purse linked to the limited purpose MCC group.

Valid values are:

M=Medical (any)


U=Prescription only

V=Vision only

W=Clinic or other medical only

X=Dental only

0=Prescription, vision, clinic, and dental

1=Prescription and vision

2=Prescription and clinic

3=Prescription and dental

4=Prescription, vision, and clinic

5=Prescription, vision, and dental

6=Vision and clinic

7=Vision, clinic, and dental

8=Vision and dental

9=Clinic and dental

Space=No substantiation method indicated

Note: IIAS (Inventory Information Approval System) identifies goods or services sold at non-healthcare merchants that qualify as medical expenses and purchased with an FSA or HRA purse.  Merchants must certify that a percentage of sales are for healthcare services.

Payment Information

Payment Option ID

Click the link to edit the payment option information.

Payment Method (Read Only)

Code for the payment method by which authorization requests are approved.

Valid values are:

P = Percentage

C = Co-pay

M = Minimum and maximum only

If Payment Method is “Minimum and maximum only”, then Minimum Co-pay Amount and Maximum Co-pay Amount are required

If Payment Method is “Co-pay”, then Minimum Co-pay Amount, Maximum Co-pay Amount, Number of Multiples Allowed, and at least one Co-pay Amount are required.


Maintaining Authorization Group Options

Authorization Group field descriptions

Assignment of the MCC Group with velocity limits (number of authorizations and dollar spend) for that specific MCC Group.


TPA Name and Provider 2 ID associated to the Option

Option ID (Read only)

Code that identifies the authorization option set and correlates to the MCC Group.

Option Description

Description for the authorization group option

Option Begin Effective Date

Date that the authorization group option set becomes effective

Option End Effective Date

Date that the authorization group option expires

Use TSYS Standard Vendors

Allows the ability to use a predefine Preferred Vendor Option when building a Purse.   Possible values are Yes and No, use Custom. If No is selected, the Custom Preferred Vendor field displays. You enter the vendor ID in this field.

Merchant Category Code Group (#)

MCC Group Option ID

Client code for the Merchant Category Code Group.


The list of MCCs defined in the MCC Group Option ID. Click the  Edit MCCs link to edit MCCs


Priority for the MCC Group; possible values are 0 to 99.  This priority determines the order in which the purses are checked for available funds for authorization requests.

Preferred Vendor Option ID

Name of the preferred vendor option that is tied to the MCC group.

Single Purchase Limit

Maximum monetary amount of a single purchase within an MCC group

 Daily Authorizations Allowed - Count

Maximum number of daily authorizations. 

Daily Authorizations Allowed - Amount

Maximum monetary amount of daily authorizations. 

Monthly Authorizations Allowed - Count

Maximum number of authorizations for each month

Monthly Authorizations Allowed - Amount

Maximum monetary amount of authorizations for each month. 

(2014 IRS guidelines allow up to  $130.00/month for transit and up to $250.00/month for parking.)

Total Authorizations Allowed - Count

Maximum number of authorizations allowed for the fiscal year.

Total Authorizations Allowed - Amount

Maximum monetary amount of authorizations allowed for the fiscal year. 


Maintaining MCC Group Options

MCC Group options field descriptions

Assignment of a group of MCC’s to be further defined in the Authorization Group option. 

Individual MCC’s can be assigned for small numbers of MCC’s but ranges are better for many MCC’s.

Merchant Category Code Group Option Information


The TPA Name and Provider 2 ID associated to the Option

Option ID (Read only)

The client code for the Merchant Category Code Group.

Option Description

The client description for the Merchant Category Code Group

Option Begin Effective Date

The date the MCC group becomes active. 

Option End Effective Date

The date the MCC group expires

Merchant Category Codes - at least one MCC Individual or MCC Low/High required


Identifies which MCC value that should remain, removing the check will cause the entry to be deleted once saved.

Individual MCC

This field indicates the type of business where transaction is originated.


This field indicates the type of business where transaction is originated. If MCC Low is populated then MCC High is required.

High MCC

This field indicates the type of business where transaction is originated. If MCC High is populated then MCC High is required.


Maintaining Preferred Vendor Options

Preferred Vendor options field descriptions


Option ID

The code that identifies the Preferred Vendor Option set.

Effective Date

The date the Preferred Vendor Option set becomes effective.

Acquirer BIN

The Acquirer BIN is the Bank Iidentification Number (BIN) for the acquirer. The acquirer is the bank that is processing for the merchant:
Visa = Use the first 4 digits of the Acquirer BIN

MasterCard = Use the last 4 digits of the Acquirer BIN

Merchant Number

Number of the merchant that is associated with the acquirer BIN.

The following restrictions apply:

  • The minimum length is 5 characters

  • The first character cannot be a question mark (?) or a space

  • An asterisk (*), used as a wildcard character, cannot be used in position 1 through 4.

  • The asterisk wildcard character is valid for positions 5 through 15. This is used if multiple merchant locations have the same first initial characters and then vary after a certain location in the character string. Using the wildcard in this way allows a single entry for each location.

  • An asterisk wild card character cannot be followed by anything other that a space.

Note: If multiple Merchant Numbers exist for multiple locations, these can be supported with a single record based on a common set of characters, and an Asterisk “*” in the last position

Merchant Name

Name of the merchant that is assigned to the acquirer BIN, Merchant Number


Indicates whether the merchant is active.
Valid values are:
A = Active (default)
I = Inactive

Substantiation Indicator

Indicates whether to utilize substantiation for the merchant:
Valid values are:

N = Purchases from merchant are allowed, but may require receipts for the purchase (activity is not substantiated automatically) (default)

Y = Purchases from merchant are allowed, and activity is substantiated automatically



Maintaining Payment Options

Payment options field descriptions

Used to define Co-pay ranges or Co-pays amounts as needed, to match against the amount in an authorization request. 

If the value is between the Min and Max, or equals the Co-Pay amount or multiple, it will approve the activity, typically associated with HRA purse types

Payment Option Information


TPA Name and Provider 2 ID associated to the Option

Option ID (Read only)

Client code for the payment option set.

Option Description

Description of payment option

Option Effective Date

Date on which payment option set will become effective. 


Status of the Payment Option

Co-Pay Amount - Minimum

Lowest monetary amount for payments allowed by the healthcare purse. If the Payment Method is “Minimum and maximum only”, then Number of Multiples Allowed and Co-pay Amounts must not be entered

Co-Pay Amount -  Maximum

Highest monetary amount for payments allowed by the healthcare purse. If the Payment Method is “Minimum and maximum only”, then Number of Multiples Allowed and Co-pay Amounts must not be entered

Multiple Allowed

Allowed number by which a monetary amount can be multiplied.  Valid values are 1 to 5. If the Payment Method is “Minimum and maximum only”, then Number of Multiples Allowed and Co-pay Amounts must not be entered

If the Payment Method is “Co-pay”, then Number of Multiples Allowed and at least one Co-pay Amount are required

Co-Pay Table

Co-Pay Amount

Monetary amount of the co-payment you can define up to twenty co-pay amounts. 

If the Payment Method is “Co-pay”, then Number of Multiples Allowed and at least one Co-pay Amount are required


Maintaining Auto Substantiation Options

Substantiation options field descriptions

Definition of Co-Pays to be used to verify substantiation. 

TSYS automatically will validate up to 5 multiples of the defined values (i.e. $5.00 will be auto-substantiated for $10.00, $15.00, up to $25.00).

Auto Substantiation Option Information


TPA Name and Provider 2 ID associated to the Option

Option ID (Read only)

Internally assigned value for the substantiation option set

Option Description

Description for the automatic substantiation option set.

Option Effective Date

Date option is effective


Indicates the status of the Auto Substantiation option. Valid values are Active and Inactive.

Number of Days to Attempt Substantiation

Number of days to look back when attempting Auto Substantiation.

Auto Substantiation Types

Recurring Expense Flag

Flag that indicates whether the option uses recurring expense substantiation.  Valid values are Y and N. 

Co-Pay Substantiation Flag

Flag that indicates whether the option uses co-pay substantiation.  Valid values are Y and N. 

PBM Substantiation Flag

Indicates if PBM Substantiation is used for the Substantiation option.  Valid values are Y and N. If PBM Substantiation Indicator is “Yes”, then PBM ID is also required


Used to identify the Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) option set that is assigned to the Substantiation option. Please contact your TSYS Representative for the Payer ID for use.

Payer Substantiation Flag

Indicates if Payer Substantiation is used for the Substantiation option.  Valid values are Y and N. If Payer Substantiation Indicator is “Yes”, then Payer ID is also required

Payer ID

Used to identify the Payer option set that is assigned to the Substantiation option. Please contact your TSYS Representative for the Payer ID for use.

Co-Pay Table

Co-pay/MCC Standard Category

Code for the Merchant Category Code Group (MCCG) used for co-pay transactions.
Valid values are:
001 = Prescription
002 = Office visit
003 = Emergency room and hospital visit
004 = Vision
005 = Dental

MCC Alternate Category

Merchant Category Code Group Option ID that is associated to a co-pay category.

Co-Pay Amount

Copay amount for each Copay category.  Up to 16 co-pay amounts can be entered for each co-pay group